Jul 4, 2012

Colourful Wednesday: Yay!

I've been a baad baaad wednesdayer. But here it is.
Allthough the shadows ended up all over the house, and a biiiiit messy. I'm quite fond of it.
The white highlight on the browbone did not look so sharp and messy IRL though..

Aah.. The mess. The Barry M shadow survived.. 
The yellow Victorian Disco Cosmetic did not. I had to scrape some off the sink ;P

Products Used
Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper
Victorian Disco Cosmetics e/s - Sapped, Mage Quarter, Shadowform, Skywalker
Barry M Dazzle Dust e/s - Copper, Black
NYX JP - Milk
Peggy Sage Cake Eyeliner
bareMinerals Curl & Lengthen Mascara

 Aaawh kitteh. Pretty Zombie