So.. Here we go.
1 Start with priming your eye
2. Add a sheer wash of gold on the innerpart of the lid.
I used DuWop Rotating Map Palette - Rum
3. Add a coppery/goldish colour in the middle of the lid, to smooth the edge.
I used DuWop Rotating Map Palette - Ponce de Leon
4. A darker brown on the outer V, blend it outwards and upwards.
Victorian Disco Cosmetics - Tifa
5. Darken the outer V some more, with a darker brown, or even black.
DuWop Rotating Map Palette - Riches
You can actually stop right here.
Just add some of the darker brown under the eye and slap on mascara and your done!
6. Prime under your eyes, and add a white eyepencil and smudge it out.
NYX Jumbo Eyepencil - Milk
7. Using a angled brush or a small brush, add a bright yellow/green colour
120 palette
8. Blend it togheter with a darker, but still bright, green.
120 palette
9. Continue with adding a blue colour, blending it togheter with the green
120 Palette
10. Using a darker blue, blend togheter the lighter blue with the darker brown, and up in the outer V
Illamasqua - Burst
Also, use a shimmery light green, to blend the edges of the green. And a shimmery light blue to blend the blues.
11. Eyeliner, highlight and mascara, and this is done!