Aug 28, 2012

Reshape and away!

Im feeling the autum comming closer. And all I want is the autum colours. A bit tired of the brights and pastells of the summer, I want deep and dark, lovely colours!
This might not be the murkiest of the autum-scale. Or even close. But it was quick and easy <: p="p">
And oh, I've been trying to reshape my brows. Thats why they've been a bit messy the last few posts.
Reshaping is going a bit slow, so I started to fill in them a bit harder. :D

Products Used
Lime Crime Eyshadow Helper
Wet n Wild Comfort Zone - Left Browbone, Right Definer
Victorian Disco e/s - Emerland Dream
Wet n Wild Coloricon pencil - Dark Brown
Peggy Sage Cake Eyeliner - Noir
bareMinerals Curl & Lengthen Mascara